Community Service Hours:
Each student will be required to complete 100 community service hours prior to graduating from Glenwood. Each student will be strongly encouraged to complete twenty-five (25) of the 100 hours during each school year (9-12). Of the 25 hours to be completed each year, 15 of the service hours must be completed from work opportunities outside of Glenwood School (60 hours total). The remaining 10 hours may be completed from work opportunities either inside or outside Glenwood. Students with questions about activities qualifying for community service should see Mrs. Boyer. Community Service hours completed will be turned in to Mrs. Boyer who will record them on the Community Service form contained in each student’s file. Students entering Glenwood after their ninth grade year will have their hours pro-rated."
Community Service forms are available for download on this page. Blank forms may also be picked up from the basket outside of the upper school guidance office.